Copy SharePoint views to other libraries with PowerShell



Function Copy-SPView

  Write-Host "Loading Sytem Modules "
  Get-Module -listAvailable | import-module

  if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
    Write-Host "Loading Sharepoint Module "
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell) -eq $null )
      Write-Host "Failed to load sharepoint snap-in. Could not proceed further, Aborting ..."

  Start-SPAssignment -Global

  $SPWeb  = Get-SPWeb -Identity $WebURL -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  $SPWebT = Get-SPWeb -Identity $TargetURL -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

  $ignoreList = "Customized Reports","Form Templates","Shared Documents","Site Assets","Site Pages","Style Library","Master Page Gallery","Picture" + $SourceList + $IgnoreLibs

  if($SPWeb -eq $null){ Write-Host "Unable to reach the provided URL, Aborting ..." ;Exit }
  if( ($SPWeb.Lists.TryGetList($SourceList) ) -eq $Null){ Write-Host "The list $SourceList is not availible, Aborting ..."; Exit }
  if($AsDefault -ne $True){$AsDefault = $False}


  if( ($SourceLists.Views[$SourceView]) -eq $Null ){ Write-Host "The view $SourceView does not exist, Aborting ..."; Exit  }
  if($NewViewName -lt 1){ $NewViewName = $SourceView }

  # Go through each document library in the target site
  $listIds = @();
  $i = 0;

  if($SPWebT -ne $null)

  while ($i -lt $lists.Count)
    $list = $lists[$i]

    if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
      if ($Ignorelist -contains $list.Title)
        write-host $list "is Ignored" -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor Black
        $view = $list.Views[$NewViewName]
        if ($view -ne $null)
          Write-Host "Updating existing view" -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor Black


        $Viewfields = $Sourcelists.Views[$SourceView].ViewFields.ToStringCollection()

        # Setting the Query for the View
        $viewQuery = $Sourcelists.Views[$SourceView].Query
        $viewName = $NewViewName

        # Finally – Provisioning the View

          $myListView = $list.Views.Add($viewName, $viewFields, $viewQuery, 100, $True, $False, "HTML", $False)
          Write-Host "Not all columns are availible in the target library" -foregroundcolor Yellow

        # You need to Update the View for changes made to the view
        # Updating the List is not enough
        $myListView.DefaultView = $AsDefault

        Write-Host "$viewName added to Library $list"
  $i = $i + 1

Copy-SPView ($WebURL,$SourceList,$SourceView,$NewViewName)

Using this script it’s possible to copy views from a source library to any target library.
This includes copying views to libraries in other site collections / web applications or even other SharePoint servers!

Summary of possible variables:

– WebURL
  URL of the source library
– SourceList
  Displayname of the source library what contains the view
– SourceView
  Name of the view that needs to be copied
– NewViewName
  Name of the view in the target libraries. (if left empty the source view name will be used.)
– TargetURL
URL of the target site / site collection of web application (If left empty the libraries in the WebURL are being
– IgnoreLibs
  Name of the libraries that need to be ignored.
(The script contains a list of SharePoint Household Libraries
  that are ignored by default including the Source Library.)
  “Customized Reports”,”Form Templates”,”Shared Documents”,”Site Assets”,”Site Pages”,
  “Style Library”,”Master Page Gallery”,”Picture”

.Example 1
# This example copies the view to all document libraries within the source URL
# PS C:\> .\Copy-SPView.ps1 -WebURL <source URL> -SourceList <Your Source Library> -SourceView <Name of View>

.Example 2
# This example copies the view to all document libraries within the target URL.
# PS C:> .Copy-SPView.ps1 -WebURL <source URL> -SourceList <Your Source Library> -SourceView <Name of the View> -TargetURL “<Your target URL>”

.Example 3
# This example shows all possible variables that are currently working.
# PS C:> .Copy-SPView.ps1 -WebURL <source URL> -SourceList <Your Source Library> -SourceView <Name of the View> -TargetURL “<Your target URL>” -NewViewName “Rogier’s View” -IgnoreLibs “Shared Documents”

Please let me know if this was helpful


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