Get Database Size for all SharePoint Data Bases using PowerShell

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$size = 0
foreach ($db in Get-SPContentDatabase)
    $size = $size + $db.DiskSizeRequired
$cdbs = "{0:N2}" -f($size/1gb)
$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
$topo = $ssa | Get-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology  -Active
$indexcomponent = (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent -SearchTopology $topo | ?{$ -like "*index*"})[0]
$folder = $indexcomponent.RootDirectory
$indexsize = "{0:N2}" -f ((Get-ChildItem $folder -Recurse | Measure-Object -sum  Length).sum/1GB)
$dbs = Get-SPDatabase
write-host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -fore green
write-host ""
write-host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -fore green
write-host "SUM: Content DB Size in GB: " -NoNewline -fore White
write-host $cdbs -fore Yellow
write-host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -fore green
write-host "Index Size (Localhost) on Disk in GB: "-NoNewline -fore white
write-host $indexsize -fore Yellow
write-host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -fore green
$sum_all_dbs = 0
foreach ($db in $dbs)
write-host $ "DB Size in GB: " -NoNewline -fore White
$dsr = "{0:N2}" -f ($db.DiskSizeRequired/1gb)
write-host $dsr  -fore Yellow
write-host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -fore green
write-host "SUM: Usage of all SharePoint DBs in GB: " -NoNewline -fore White
$sum_all_dbs = "{0:N2}" -f ($sum_all_dbs/1gb)
write-host $sum_all_dbs -fore Yellow
write-host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -fore green


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